
Cash Assistance is another quick write up and probably shorter than Lifeline Write up.

In South Dakota, you only get food stamps for up to 180 days in a 3 year period. It’s initially only 90 days in 12 months but it can be extended in an emergency. California gives you Food Stamps indefinitely as long as you make less than $1,307 a month which is about 20 hours a week at $15 per hour. Cash Assistance is provided 9 months at a time so you’ll have to go without for at least 3 months out of the year if welfare is your means of survival in California. California provides cash assistance known as General Relief (GR) on the county level. In Los Angeles, you just need to arrive in Los Angeles and become homeless 15 days after arriving. Go to the GR Office, tel them you are homeless and your food stamps and cash assistance will start rolling in along with housing vouchers and job training programs.

Cash assistance in California is provided on a per county level.
Every county in California is mandated to provide this assistance which is absurd.

San Diego has a $449 grant available  San Diego GR Website

Orange does not disclose amounts but provided $38 per month in 2012.

Los Angeles County has a welfare handbook available in 10 different languages. It’ll help you know how to answer the eligibility questions before they are asked which increases your chances of qualifying for free government money. They give about $200 a month.

Sacram.ento provides about $326.

San Francisco provides up to $588 a month.
