
The Bill of Rights is an addendum to the US Constitution. A Joint Resolution of Congress proposed the Bill of Rights during the first Congressional session in 1789 along with two amendments to the existing text of the US Constitution. However, the two amendments to the existing text were not ratified so the Bill of Rights can be defined as an addendum to the US Constitution and it is usually presented as an individual document. As an addendum to the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights outlines Constitutional Rights of US Citizens, these are also referred to as citizen rights, civil rights and human rights. While the specific set of rights outlined in the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution and Bill of Rights are specific to US Citizens within its borders a limited set of these rights are are often extended as a courtesy when visiting foreign nations or traveling on international waters. Many of the rights declared in the USA’s founding documents have been affirmed, expanded on and clarified in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights so that the majority of these rights apply to citizens whose nations are members of the UN General Assembly. To be clear, the rights of the UN are separate and distinct from the rights that US Citizens enjoy within their Borders, when visiting foreign nations or when traveling on international waters; however US Citizen Rights serve as an inspiration to human rights attorneys, peace keepers, legislators and government officials who want citizens in other nations to be more self sufficient and less dependent on government.

The United States Bill of Rights

The first 10 Amendments to the United States Constitution. These are original texts and do not delete or modify any existing text in the US Constitution. Each amendment expands the scope of the US Constitution and can serve as its own article. Each of the first 10 amendments concern citizen rights and they can be thought of as an addendum that covers supplementary information of the US Constitution. The Bill of Rights are an important document for people all over the world but it is important to understand that these are the rights of Citizens of the United States and are not rights given to legal residents, visa holders or those accused of illegal immigration. People are granted these rights when they become a US Citizen, all others are often allowed to enjoy a limited set of these citizen rights as courtesy when visiting the USA.

Amendment 1

Congress will not make any laws regarding a religious establishment or prohibit anyone from practicing their religion. Congress will not deprive citizens of their freedom of speech, their right to produce and distribute information, their right to assemble peacefully or their right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment 2

A well regulated militia is necessary for the security of a free nation, it is the right of the people to form militias and that right shall not be infringed. The right of citizens to keep arms and carry those arms shall not be infringed.

Amendment 3

Soldiers will not be housed on any property without the owners consent in times of peace. During times of war, soldiers may be housed on any property with the owners consent as outlined by lawful legislation.

Amendment 4

People have a right to secure themselves, their home, their documents and personal property from harm and to secure themselves, their homes, their documents and personal property using methods that prevent unreasonable search and seizure. These rights will not be violated. Warrants shall not be issued without probable cause established by a sworn officer and all warrants must specify the exact place to be searched and provide an itemized list of the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment 5

Only a Grand Jury can present a case and indict a person for crimes of major economic harm or crimes against an administrative center of government. The Grand Jury requirement will not apply to armed forces or militias when in service during times of war or during times of public danger. No person shall be tried for crimes of major economic harm or crimes against administrative centers of government twice. No person shall be forced to testify or be a witness against themselves in any criminal proceedings. No person shall be deprived of their life, their liberty or their property without due legal process. Private property shall not be taken for public use without true market value compensation to the owner.

Amendment 6

Defendants in all criminal proceedings will have the right to a speedy and public jury trial. The jury will consist of residents from the State and district where the crimes the defendant is being prosecuted for occurred. Districts must be lawfully established before the crime occurred. The defendant has the right to be informed of the type of crime they are being accused of and the reason they are being accused of that crime. The defendant has the right to have witnesses confront the defendant directly, to use mandatory processes to obtain witnesses in the defendants favor and to have legal council assist the defendant in their legal defense.

Amendment 7

The right to a jury trial will exist in civil lawsuits where the value of the matter exceeds $20. Facts tried by jury in civil lawsuit can only be re-examined in a United States Court by the rules of common law.

Amendment 8

Excessive bail will not be required. Excessive fines will not be imposed. Cruel and unusual punishment will not be inflicted.

Amendment 9

The rights listed in the US Constitution will not be used to deny or reduce the importance of other rights retained by citizens.

Amendment 10

The powers not delegated to the United States by the US Constitution and not prohibited to the States by the US Constitution are powers reserved to the States or to the Citizens of the United States.
